Mr. Sensitive

December 31, 2011

FSX 2011 Year-In-Review

Filed under: Uncategorized — lbej @ 12:53

The good news is that the Family Stock Index added 10.7% over the last three months of 2011.  The bad news is that the FSX was down 17% in the first nine months.  At a 2011 closing level of 11,077, the FSX traded down 7.6% from its 2010 close at 11,991, and while we are well above the October low of 9,220, we are nowhere near the March peak of 13,698.  What does it mean for 2012?  I’m on record as saying 2012 is going to be a garbage year from a macro standpoint: there will be presidential elections in the U.S. and France and a generational leadership transition in China, so the powers will have no interest in muddying the trade and monetary policy waters any further than said waters will already be muddied by all the politicians crapping in them.  The markets will move only to the extent that exogenous factors move them, meaning the extent to which shit happens.  Where governments can influence economies and markets, they will hold them steady, so the only directional shifts are likely to come from unpredictable events.  Therefore, I predict that the S&P 500, which began 2011 at 1257.64 and ended at 1257.60, will end 2012 at 1257.56.  I further predict that my prediction will be wrong for unforeseeable reasons.  Separately, I predict that the Family Stock Index will close at 12,074 at the end of 2012, because those are the numbers my fingers went to just now, as though my keyboard was, in fact, a Ouija board.  You’re welcome for the future.

What everyone wants to know is how he or she did during the year, and I can tell you that the answer is probably not well.  Only 9 of our 24 stocks rose during 2011, and of those 9, only five rose decisively, and one of those doesn’t count because Justin cheated at the end.  I’m putting these into groups based on stars and stuff.



1.  Reagan (REGN) Opening price – $32.83; Closing price – $55.43; percentage change +68.8%.


2.  Lulu (LULU) Opening price $34.21; Closing price $46.66; percentage change +36.4%.

3.  Nicole B. (NI) Opening price $17.62; Closing price $23.81; percentage change +35.1%.

4.  Future Lee (MSTR) Opening price $85.47; Closing price $108.32; percentage change +26.7%.


5.  Justin (WOLF) Opening price $2.61; Closing price $2.90; percentage change +11.1%.


6.  Marisa (MOLX) Opening price $22.72; Closing price $23.86; percentage change +5.0%.

7.  Jenny (LEN) Opening price $18.75; Closing price $19.65; percentage change +4.8%.

8.  Dustin (DST) Opening price $44.35; Closing price $45.52; percentage change +2.6%.

9.  Charlotte (ICE) Opening price $119.15; Closing price $120.55; percentage change +1.2%.


10.  Brinky (BCO) Opening price $26.88; Closing price $26.88; unch.


11.  Lisa (LSI) Opening price $5.99; Closing price $5.95; percentage change -0.7%.

12.  Lucas (LEI) Opening price $2.33; Closing price $2.31; percentage change -0.9%.

13.  Nicole L. (COL) Opening price $58.26; Closing price $55.37; percentage change -5.0%.

14.  Marcus (MCS) Opening price $13.27; Closing price $12.61; percentage change -5.0%.


15.  Winston (HWD) Opening price $11.70; Closing price $10.65; percentage change -9.0%.

16.  Katie (CATY) Opening price $16.70; Closing price $14.93; percentage change -10.6%.

17.  Icarus (FLOW) Opening price $4.09; Closing price $3.50; percentage change -14.4%.

18.  Mario the Elder (PBY) Opening price $13.43; Closing price $11.00; percentage change -18.1%.


19.  Mario the Younger (SUP) Opening price $21.22; Closing price $16.54; percentage change -22.1%.

20.  Zondro (ZQK) Opening price $5.07; Closing price $3.61; percentage change -28.8%.

21.  Wilson (WILC) Opening price $6.48; Closing price $4.57; percentage change -29.4%.

22.  Ruby (RBY) Opening price $5.71; Closing price $3.78; percentage change -33.8%.


23.  Legacy Lee (LEE) Opening price $2.46; Closing price $0.70; percentage change -71.3%.



24.  Zero (FRZ) Opening price $2.75; Closing price $0.15; percentage change -94.5%.

FSX 2012 Changes

Filed under: Uncategorized — lbej @ 09:07

Here it is at last–your long-awaited, exhaustively-researched, arbitrary-yet-defensible 2012 Family Stock Index!

First, here are my reasons for removing the stocks that are being dropped from the FSX:

  • LEE – removed because it makes me sad
  • FRZ – removed because Zero annihilated it
  • HWD – removed because it’s too volatile
  • LSI – removed because it’s too volatile
  • RBY – removed because it’s too volatile
  • PBY – removed because RBY is too volatile
  • LEN – removed because I have a bad feeling about homebuilders and Jenny’s going to have enough trouble with middle school without having to manage overcapacity in the market for new home construction

I can make four groups out of the folks who didn’t get new stocks: (1) never had a chance; (2) considered briefly; (3) seriously considered; and (4) this-almost-happened.  From the placement of a particular FSX member, it may well be possible to see what changes I’m leaning towards in the future.  I could go back to previous posts to see if that’s true at all, but that sure seems difficult.

Let’s use the Republican presidential candidates, shall we?  It’s not as though they’re good for anything else.

First, the Santorums:

  • Brinkley (BCO)
  • Lulu (LULU)
  • Marcus (MCS)
  • Reagan (REGN)
  • Wilson (WILC)

Next, the Cains:

  • Icarus (FLOW)
  • Justin (WOLF)
  • Katie (CATY)
  • Lee (MSTR)
  • Lucas (LEI)
  • Marisa (MOLX)
  • Nicole B. (NI)
  • Nicole L. (COL)
  • Zondro (ZQK)

Then the Perrys:

  • Dustin (DST)
  • Charlotte (ICE)

And finally, the Gingrich:

  • Mario the Younger (SUP)

Better luck next time.  Or worse luck, as the case may be.

Now, on to the changes.

We have two new additions this year.  First up is Jodi Ann, Marcus’ lady.  Katie and I worked on this one for a while and I wasn’t at all pleased with our options.  I don’t know Jodi Ann well enough to be very creative yet; when you just met the box six months ago it’s tough to think outside it.  Katie came up with Joy Global (ticker: JOY) as a contraction of her full name, although when and if she changes said name we’ll be back to the drawing board.  JOY manufactures mining equipment, which is bad-ass, and I guess they’re pretty happy about it.  The stock trades at $75, placing it firmly between its 2011 high of $103 and low of $57, and giving it a market value of just under $8 billion.  I wasn’t sure about my choice of JOY (My Choice of Joy would be a great name for a band, though) until I noticed that it’s headquartered in Milwaukee, along with…Marcus Corporation!  I hope they’re on the same street.  No doubt one day I’ll feel comfortable enough to properly mock Jodi Ann along with everyone else, but for the time being JOY is liable to be more of a club with which to beat on Marcus for bailing on his real family for Christmas.

The second new addition is a dual-person/cat member, Namilita.  Charlotte named her two kittens Battle Angel Alita and Something Japanese That Gets Shortened To Nami, or Lita and Nami for short.  It sounds ridiculous to me, giving things long-ass names you never intend to use, but maybe that’s Katie rubbing off on me.  She wouldn’t sign off on Jennifer as a name when we knew we were going to call our daughter Jenny, so Jenny is what it says on the birth certificate.  I should just be glad she didn’t expect to call our son Brinky ahead of time.  Namilita will be represented by NL Industries (ticker: NL) which makes ball bearings, apparently.  Making ball bearings is even more bad-ass than making mining equipment, so I hope these cats are up to the bad-ass manufacturing challenge.  I didn’t even know there was going to be a bad-ass manufacturing challenge between JOY and NL, but it seems unavoidable now.  NL trades at around $13, closer to its $10.65 low than its high near $20, but nonetheless yielding a market cap in excess of $600 million.  That seems like a lot of ball bearings to me.

I’m making six substitutions to begin 2012, more than I meant to now that I think about having to write them up.  First up is Jenny, receiving her third ticker in less than two years (remember TOOT?).  Henceforth she will be represented by Jones New York (ticker: JNY), some kind of fashion company that I really should’ve stumbled upon years ago looking for Jenny options.  Instead, Katie found it, and she notes further that Jenny wants to be a fashion designer when she grows up, so it’s a good fit even beyond the ticker.  JNY trades at about $10.50, above its $8 low but well shy of a 2012 high above $16, and its market cap of $850 million puts it nicely in line with the small-cap style of the FSX.

Next we have Lisa, who’s been in and out of individual stocks more than any other member of the index.  This year I’m moving her into Lance-Snyders, maker of delicious salty snacks, because of its ticker symbol, LNCE.  If Lisa had a rap name, it would be L-Nice, and I challenge anyone to prove otherwise.  LNCE trades at $22.50, near the high end of its 2012 range of $17 to $24.  The market cap is $1.5 billion and it’s headquartered nearby in Charlotte, very convenient if we ever feel like having an FSX field trip.

Winston, Mario’s dog, needed a new stock for 2012; like the dog himself, HWD just would not settle down.  I had no good ideas for Winston at any point in the search, and then, out of the blue, Katie nailed it.  We were scrolling through tickers and as we passed ED, she said, “we can use ED for Winston because his first name should be Ed.”  So there you have it: all this time we’ve been thinking Winston was the dog’s first name, and really, it was his last name.  No wonder he doesn’t come when he’s called—his name is really Ed!  ED is the ticker for Consolidated Edison, the New York utility, which sports a market cap of nearly $19 billion and trades right at a 52-week high near $64.  That’s a little rich for an FSX stock, but after all, don’t we all already think of Winston as the most valuable member of the family?

Mario the Elder and Ruby the Only get new stocks this year; RBY was all over the place and I always said that, as a strict rule, if I changed one member of a married couple, I would change both.  Then I broke that rule by changing Zero and not Charlotte and broke it again by changing Lisa and not Dustin, so I guess it was really more of a guideline than a rule.  Ruby specifically requested a travel stock and then specifically requested US Air, but alas, you only get one request per stock swap.  The ticker for US Air is LCC—for low-cost carrier—which is beyond obnoxious and I refuse to countenance that kind of tomfoolery by adding it to the FSX.  Instead, I decided on Republic Airlines, because its ticker symbol is RJET.  You know, for Ruby Jet, or Ruby Joyce ET.  Interestingly, Republic is the company that operates the US Air Express brand on behalf of US Air, so it’s almost like I’m granting Ruby’s second request, even though I’m not.  Republic also operates Chautauqua Airlines, a fact that I swear I’m not making up.  RJET trades at around $3.50, giving it a market value of $165 million.  For Mario the Elder, I decided to go utility again, this time to MGE Energy, the holding company for Madison Gas & Electric of Wisconsin, because the ticker symbol is MGEE.  It reminds me of the MG that I’m pretty sure I drove to the reception after my wedding and also of the expression ‘gee, whiz!’ because it seems like something Katie’s dad should say, even though I’m pretty sure he doesn’t.  MGEE trades near a 52-week high of $47, valuing the company just north of $1 billion.

Last, but certainly not least, we have Zero, riding tall in the saddle after having Alderaaned his 2011 stock, the late FRZ.  I decided to put Zero in something sporty this year, a newly-minted 2011 IPO, no less.  He will be Zipcar, ticker symbol ZIP (as in nada, zip, zero).  Zipcar is a car-sharing service that came public back in April; I’m not sure what car-sharing is, but it seems like a responsible thing to do, and Zero is a very responsible chap.  The stock priced at $18, popped to $31.50, and then slid steadily to below the IPO price, trading now around $13.50.  That gives it a market cap of $500 million and, as a recent, high-profile IPO, plenty of followers to start squealing when Zero puts the screws in.

So that’s it.  And for those of you who don’t like my picks on your behalf, maybe you should think about being nicer to me in 2012.

December 30, 2011

FSX Friday Update

Filed under: Uncategorized — lbej @ 17:24

The lightest trading volume of the year merits the shortest write-up of the year, as the market’s animal spirits are awash in eggnog.  There’s no reason to trade: Europe’s been on vacation for three weeks; if you can make money in this flat market, you have; if you can’t, you won’t.  S&P 500 -0.0%—Happy No Year, everyone!

The Family Stock Index traded flat alongside the major indices, closing at 11,077.  Decliners trumped advancers 9-14 (Icky was unch), but the index might well have been up slightly if not for the special thing that Zero is doing, along with some corporate-world jitters for Justin (yes, I know it’s government work, but I’ve worked with the government, and org charts are the same no matter time nor place).  Eight new stocks will enter the FSX on Monday, so today we say goodbye to LEN, LSI, PBY, RBY, HWD, FRZ, the legendary LEE, and 2011 herself.  Auf Wiedersehen to all.  I’ll reveal the eight newcomers in a full write-up—today, if Brinkley ever takes a nap.

POSTSCRIPT: He didn’t.


  • Eures Prime (MSTR +0.9%, LEN +1.7%, CATY +0.5%, BCO +1.2%).   4 of the 5 NC Prime Eures made the top 8 on the A/D list for this holiday week—and why not?  After all, the holidays proved this week to be exactly what each of us wanted: drama-free (Katie), lucrative (Jenny and Brinky), and over (me).
  • Ruby (RBY +5.6%).  Boo-boo may not be as openly humbug as I am, but she’s more Ebenezer than Tiny Tim.  I say that best thing about the holidays is looking back on them from the safety of January.
  • Nicole B. (NI +1.7%).  Will we get a wedding in 2012, or will Justin have too much science to write?  My backyard is available for nuptials any time except for April through October—the spiders booked those months years in advance.


  • Marcus (MCS -5.1%).  I’m turning this one, and the next, over to our FSX 2011 champion, Ray Gun!  According to her, Marcus is down because “he’s ashamed he doesn’t like us.”  If that’s not science, I don’t know what is.
  • Justin (WOLF +0.7%).  Oh HELL no.

You know what?  I’m throwing the manual override on this one.   I wrote up Justin with 2 hours to go IN THE YEAR when he was trading down 4% on the week and then he staged a late rally on doodoo volume.  Like a bitch.  Well, I’m tired of Princess Justin having late-day rallies fall in his lap, literally and metaphorically, and I call bullshit.  Stick this in your science and write it.

I’m going to repeat the set-up, too, because I can.

  • Marcus (MCS -5.1%).  I’m turning this one, and the next, over to our FSX 2011 champion, Ray Gun!  According to her, Marcus is down because “he’s ashamed he doesn’t like us.”  If that’s not science, I don’t know what is.
  • Justin (WOLF -3.8%).  But after all, I’m not a professional science writer.  According to Reagan, Justin is “so so sad because he left us” a day before Chawlie, and that’s why he’s down.
  • Zero (FRZ -39.6%).  Wednesday was a special day for Zero and I failed to give him the recognition he deserved.  He forced Reddy Ice, the former FRZ, entirely off the NYSE, and not just on to the Nasdaq, not even on to the AMEX for God’s sake, but to the Pink Sheets.  Even with a failure-lead of several months I couldn’t do that to LEE, and I surely tried.  FRZ is no more; the company now trades OTC under the ticker RDDY.  I managed to bankrupt my company, sure, but did I eradicate its ticker?  No, I did not.  Bravo, maestro.  I know enough about losing to know when I’ve lost at losing.
Name Ticker 12/30/2011 Change
Brinkley BCO $26.88 +0.31
Charlotte ICE $120.55 +0.43
Dustin DST $45.52 -0.97
Icarus FLOW $3.50 unch
Jenny LEN $19.65 +0.28
Justin WOLF $2.90 +0.02
Katie CATY $14.93 +0.08
Lee MSTR $108.32 +0.97
Legacy Lee LEE $0.70 -0.04
Lisa LSI $5.95 +0.04
Lucas LEI $2.31 -0.04
Lulu LULU $46.66 -1.25
Marcus MCS $12.61 -0.68
Mario T.E. PBY $11.00 -0.20
Mario T.Y. SUP $16.54 -0.08
Marisa MOLX $23.86 -0.38
Nicole B. NI $23.81 +0.39
Nicole L. COL $55.37 -0.27
Reagan REGN $55.43 -0.14
Ruby RBY $3.78 +0.20
Wilson WILC $4.57 -0.02
Winston HWD $10.65 -0.05
Zero FRZ $0.15 -0.10
Zondro ZQK $3.61 -0.16

December 29, 2011

It’s Not For My Benefit

Filed under: Uncategorized — lbej @ 08:26

It is a little for my benefit, on account of I like things to be where they go, but putting clean clothes away in dresser drawers and closets is not simply tidiness for tidiness’ sake.  I gather up the dirty clothes where they are shed like snake skin in the various ladies’ rooms and bathrooms upstairs and downstairs, I wash them, I dry them, I fold them, I sort them, and I take them back upstairs…but I do not put them away.  The reason for that is because I don’t know where they ought to go.  Katie, Jenny and Reagan organize their own dressers and I don’t know what they want accessible and from which drawers they expect to access it.  Also, they have too many clothes and I might put the wrong ones on top and the right ones at the bottom so they can’t find one of the five or so outfits each actually wants to wear.   And by five I mean three.  In laundry matters, I draw the line where I draw it not because I can’t go further, but because such effort would be counterproductive.  So what do Katie and the girls do when I bring their clothes upstairs to their respective rooms?  They leave them wherever I put them, good sense, self-respect, and my exhortations notwithstanding.  They operate as though the latest pile of clothes is all they have to pick clothes from and it is an immovable monument to multi-generational laziness.  If I nailed shut all the drawers of their dressers, I predict it would take at least a week before any of them noticed.  And by a week, I mean they’d never notice.

So why should my three ladies put their clean clothes away?  No reason, really.

Cat fur and litter-box funk-crumbs will be the must-have accessories of 2012, after all.

“Your stupid cats got hair all over my clothes again!” Katie complains several times each week.  “I know,” I agree, adding a sympathetic, slow shake of the head.  “It’s too bad there’s nothing you can do about it.”

Because I am nice I now lay a spare bed sheet over Katie’s mound of clean clothes.  Does it help?  In the short run, yes.  In the long run, no.

December 27, 2011

Brinky Cup – Week 16

Filed under: Uncategorized — lbej @ 07:35

The penultimate week of the NFL regular season was one of wasted victories.  Like the Eagles’ win over the Cowboys, Charlotte’s BC-leading 13-3 Week 16 comes too late, and like the Colts’ second straight victory, Justin’s 12-4 2nd place showing does nothing but lock up the Bizarro Brinky Cup for Ruby.  Is it better to be in the depths or in the abyss?  Well, here’s what’s in the depths:

And here’s what’s in the abyss:

You be the judge.

Unlike Justin and Charlotte, Jenny has been able to turn her late-season surge into a bonafide playoff push.  With yet another stellar week (12-4), she’s in fifth place overall and comfortably in the playoffs.  With one more week to go in the regular season, what remains to be decided?  Dark Mario has a significant lead in the Brinky Cup, but with three competitors within 4 games, he can’t afford another mediocre 9-7 week.  Marcus and I have to decide whether or not to make some risky picks to take a run at Mario—well, Marcus should focus on getting his picks in on time, period—and Lisa has to decide whether or not to update her picks in the last week.  There are no games until New Year’s Day, leaving plenty of time to agonize.  The Brinky Bowl playoff picture has solidified: Dark Mario, Dark Lee, Marcus and Lisa are in and Jenny’s position looks secure, with Tara holding onto the sixth and final spot by a three-game margin.  Jodi Ann, Mario the Elder or Brinkley could put up a huge week and bump Tara out, but the odds aren’t good.  As for the Bizarro Brinky Cup…it’s all over but the crying.  Here are the complete Week 16 results:

  • 13-3 (1):  Charlotte
  • 12-4 (2):  Jenny, Justicole
  • 11-5 (5):  Brinkley, Dark Lee, Lisa, Mario the Elder, Reagan
  • 10-6 (2):  Jodi Ann, Marcus
  • 9-7 (2):  Dark Mario, Tara
  • 8-8 (1):  Lee
  • 7-9 (3):  Katie, Mario the Younger, Ruby

Brinky Cup Standings (through 16 weeks):

Games Back
Dark Mario
Dark Lee 3
Marcus 3
Lisa 4
Jenny 8
Mario T.Y. 11
Tara 12
Jodi Ann 15
Lee 16
Mario T.E. 16
Brinkley 17
Charlotte 21
Katie 27
Reagan 29
Justin 33
Ruby 43

December 23, 2011

FSX Friday Update

Filed under: Uncategorized — lbej @ 16:52

I was hoping I could get a guest FSX update out of someone visiting this week, but the timing didn’t work out, and so I turned to Reagan.  Alas, she was feeling too much Christmas spirit and not enough whimsy, and so her efforts alternated between too-plain-to-post and too-mean-to-post.  Fortunately, I’m not afflicted with Christmas spirit in the least—unless that’s why I have a stomach ache.

The market rallied this week, if only enough to recover last week’s losses.  The victory of the Republican corporatists over the Republican crazies is getting no play in the market; I expect that’s because investors have such low expectations for anything substantive to come out of the political process that they’re no longer considering Washington as a factor in valuations or earnings estimates.  With so many people committed to derailing the train, is it any wonder that the market’s stopped waiting at the station?  For my part, I was hoping the crazies would blow up their own caucus, and I think there’s a still a good chance that they will.  I do honestly pity the Speaker of the House, and I can’t imagine what it must be like to deal with all these prima donna first-term lunatics.  I don’t think he has a stomach ulcer or two so much as his ulcers have a Boehner.  All I want from this is for the voters to understand what they were voting for in 2010 when they voted against the (admittedly inept) Democratic leadership in the House.  Then if they want to do it again in 2012, with full knowledge that their representatives don’t intend to participate in the political process so much as vote no on everything, so be it.  It would be like Bush’s reelection in 2004.  I didn’t think we deserved what we got in Bush’s first term, but all the disasters of the second term—FEMA’s Katrina blunders, Rumsfeld’s Iraq insurgency blinders, the financial crisis of 2008—we had all that coming.

The FSX gained 4.4% to close at 11,157, putting it back into bad-but-not-terrible range in terms of year-to-date performance.   I will pay attention next week, but only because I can’t not pay attention and not because any meaningful year-end positioning is likely to take place.  I’m going to make quite a few changes in the roster going into next year, as well, so I’m not even sure which positions are getting positioned.  Somehow I doubt we have a 900-point week in us, and absent that, we will finish in the red for 2011.


  • Lisa (LSI) +9.0%.  There’s almost no chance of a white Christmas in Hilton Head this week, and even a sniff of spring-like weather is enough to send Lisa’s stock soaring.  Think of this week’s pop as a preview of the more formidable rally we can expect once spring is truly on the way.  Lucas (LEI +13%) looks like an even bigger HHI fan until you calculate a risk-adjusted return on him—13% is more like 3% for a less excitable person.  However you run the numbers, no one’s springier than Lisa.
  • Zondro (ZQK) +9.0%.  Earlier this week I felt guilty about leaving the dogs out in the cold—don’t worry, I’m back to not caring—so I let them spend the morning in the family room with Brinky.  What I discovered is that he is a much better baby if he has his dogs in the room with him—they’re just as good as people to him, and maybe even better, because he doesn’t get frustrated with the dogs when they don’t pick him up.
  • Marcus (MCS) +8.4%.  A man doesn’t have to apologize for deciding he wants to break with old holiday traditions and—in my opinion—he shouldn’t.  He also doesn’t have to explain to his family that he’s making that break and why but—my opinion again—he really should.  The market is funny about disclosure.  In the short term, it doesn’t want to know why a company beats earnings expectations or why a stock blows through price targets and technical resistance levels indiscriminately.  It’s a different story in the long term, though, and the market loses patience with guessing games after a few quarters.  When the market loses patience, bulls lose money.  Marcus already failed to send me his picks this week, even with a reminder.  If he pulls one of his disappearing acts in 2012—whatever the reason—I expect the market to pound him.  And by ‘the market’ I mean ‘Charlotte.’
  • Legacy Lee (LEE) +8.1%.  The new management keeps walking around the place giving me funny looks; they’re hoping I clear out early, and so is the market.  Well, you’re going to be waiting until the close of business next Friday, jerks, so you might as well pull up a chair.  And not the big chair, either, because that one’s still mine—for a week, at least.
  • Katie (CATY) +6.5%.  The recent rally in Katie (+32% in Q4) is pricing in her love of Christmas, her husband’s long-overdue haircut and our plan to quit fast food in January.  But the real kicker is the spelling proficiency shown by her daughters.  Both won their class spelling bees this month and Reagan already dominated her grade bee (the highest level she can win until next year).  Jenny’s school bee is next month and Katie has high hopes, even if Jenny herself doesn’t.  I don’t quite share the excitement, but I’m not suggesting that it’s misplaced.  Spelling is definently important.
  • Brinkley (BCO) +5.1%.  Brinky discovered this week, on his first birthday, that presents and toys are pretty awesome.  I think his presents will be as helpful for me as they are fun for him, even if the market doesn’t know it yet.


  • Future Lee (MSTR) -1.2%.  With the spinoff of LEE underway, management will now be fully focused on MSTR.  This particular management team didn’t fare so well at the last stop (80% decline in LEE since it was added to the FSX), thus the market jitters.  Book War is on schedule and I’m very pleased with the progress to date.  Nobody around here much likes me when I’m writing, though, and that alone may explain the recent selloff.  Oh, but you know what I almost forgot?  Half of one of my molars just up and fell off yesterday and I had to make an emergency visit to the dentist to get a temporary crown.  That was after I got three fillings on Wednesday, so maybe the market is pushing me to take the Trapjaw leap in 2012.

  • Wilson (WILC) -2.3%.  Doesn’t share Zondy’s enthusiasm for the baby, or for life in general.
  • Zero (FRZ) -29%.  Zero will certainly miss Charlotte, and one should never discount the perils of being outnumbered by cats, but Katie explained the real reason for the continued pressure on his stock: she was planning to get him an ‘I Am T-Pain’ mic but she forgot and now it’s too late.  Case closed.

Name Ticker 12/23/2011 Change
Brinkley BCO $26.57 +1.30
Charlotte ICE $120.12 +2.44
Dustin DST $46.49 +0.49
Icarus FLOW $3.50 -0.05
Jenny LEN $19.37 +0.60
Justin WOLF $2.88 +0.18
Katie CATY $14.85 +0.90
Lee MSTR $107.35 -1.33
Legacy Lee LEE $0.74 +0.06
Lisa LSI $5.91 +0.49
Lucas LEI $2.35 +0.27
Lulu LULU $47.91 +2.65
Marcus MCS $13.29 +1.03
Mario T.E. PBY $11.20 +0.37
Mario T.Y. SUP $16.62 +0.51
Marisa MOLX $24.24 +1.48
Nicole B. NI $23.42 +0.89
Nicole L. COL $55.64 +1.94
Reagan REGN $55.57 +2.57
Ruby RBY $3.58 -0.04
Wilson WILC $4.59 -0.11
Winston HWD $10.70 +0.38
Zero FRZ $0.25 -0.10
Zondro ZQK $3.77 +0.31

December 21, 2011

Top 200 Songs of All Time – 20 to 1

Filed under: Uncategorized — lbej @ 12:50

Your host for the final installment of the countdown would be none other than Mr. Sean Combs himself.  Did you know that Katie bought some new sheets for us this week, and the sheets she bought were Sean John sheets?!  I was so excited.  Here he is making Puff Daddy Face on the cover of US Weekly from last month.

Why does he make that face?  Because he can, ladies and gentlemen.  Did you know he does one of the ‘I am American business–I watch CNBC” spots they show all day?  There’s Puffy, Jerry Jones, and some other people I forget.  As you read the top 20 songs, imagine it’s like Ready To Die and Puffy is mumbling nonsense in the background of every song.  Yeah.  Money.  Cash.  Yeah.  Hoes.  It’s all good.  Yeah.  Cash.  Money.

Rank Title Artist
20 Drive R.E.M.
19 The Way I Am Eminem
18 Silver Lining Rilo Kiley
17 Bump N’ Grind (Old School Mix) R. Kelly
16 Stratford-On-Guy Liz Phair
15 Big Pimpin’ Tha Dogg Pound
14 Ten Years Gone Led Zeppelin
13 One More Time Daft Punk
12 Nightswimming R.E.M.
11 Pictures Of Success Rilo Kiley
10 That’s What You Get Paramore
9 Teenage Dream Katy Perry
8 I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys
7 Find the River R.E.M.
6 The Song Remains the Same Led Zeppelin
5 1901 Phoenix
4 Kashmir Led Zeppelin
3 Hey Ya! Andre 3000
2 Lose Yourself Eminem
1 Angry Chair Alice In Chains

Top 200 Songs of All Time – 50 to 21

Filed under: Uncategorized — lbej @ 07:39

This segment of the show is hosted by Nick Lachey.

Rank Title Artist
50 When It Rains Paramore
49 Nashville Liz Phair
48 Ignoreland R.E.M.
47 A Man/Me/Then Jim Rilo Kiley
46 Gz Up, Hoes Down Snoop Doggy Dogg
45 Cupid Sam Cooke
44 The Good That Won’t Come Out Rilo Kiley
43 The Great Beyond R.E.M.
42 Black Pearl Jam
41 California Love 2Pac & Dr. Dre
40 In the Light Led Zeppelin
39 Under The Blacklight Rilo Kiley
38 Down In A Hole Alice In Chains
37 Pain 2Pac
36 ‘Till I Collapse Eminem
35 Papercut Linkin Park
34 Electrolite R.E.M.
33 The Execution Of All Things Rilo Kiley
32 Nutshell Alice In Chains
31 Shane Liz Phair
30 The Ocean Led Zeppelin
29 California Gurls Katy Perry
28 Speed Of Sound Coldplay
27 Tik Tok Ke$ha
26 Warning Sign Coldplay
25 I Took Your Name R.E.M.
24 Strange Loop Liz Phair
23 Achilles’ Last Stand Led Zeppelin
22 Come Into My World Kylie Minogue
21 I Gotta Feeling Black Eyed Peas

December 20, 2011

Top 200 Songs of All Time – Interlude

Filed under: Uncategorized — lbej @ 19:52

I feel a need to interrupt what I was doing to say that I love Nick Cannon.  He has a great name and his performance on Up All Night is amazing.

And I believe in everything he’s thinking in this picture.

Separately, Mariah Carey’s face is the face the little girl across the street is 100 percent going to have when she grows up.  Reagan plays with this girl every day and I didn’t see it until just now.

Reagan, it seems will look like Svetlana Alliluyeva here:

Because here she most certainly is right now, alongside, well, you know.

Happy early birthday to Iosef Vissarionovich, by the way, turning the big 1-3-2 tomorrow, a birthday he shares with Brinky.  Coincidence?  I say no.


Top 200 Songs of All Time – 100 to 51

Filed under: Uncategorized — lbej @ 19:25

If this were a countdown, do you know who would host it on VH1?  Freddie Prinze Jr.

Rank Title Artist
100 Welcome to the Jungle Guns N’ Roses
99 White America Eminem
98 Try Not To Breathe R.E.M.
97 Should’ve Said No Taylor Swift
96 That Don’t Impress Me Much (Pop Remix) Shania Twain
95 Bars Of The Bed Liz Phair
94 Do I Have To Say The Words? Bryan Adams
93 Superman Eminem
92 I’m Real (Murder Inc. Remix) Jennifer Lopez and Ja Rule
91 Easy Liz Phair
90 Misery Business Paramore
89 Jeremy Pearl Jam
88 In Da Club 50 Cent
87 Paparazzi Lady GaGa
86 Suspicion R.E.M.
85 Freak Of Nature Liz Phair
84 Rearviewmirror Pearl Jam
83 If Janet Jackson
82 More Than A Woman Aaliyah
81 Junkhead Alice In Chains
80 Rock Your Body Justin Timberlake
79 Stan Eminem
78 In My Place Coldplay
77 Make Me Bad Korn
76 Burn The Cure
75 I Think I’m Paranoid Garbage
74 What The Hell Avril Lavigne
73 Would? Alice In Chains
72 Sweet Child O’ Mine Guns N’ Roses
71 My Favorite Mistake Sheryl Crow
70 Harder Better Faster Stronger Daft Punk
69 E.T. Katy Perry
68 Dosed Red Hot Chili Peppers
67 Mayqueen Liz Phair
66 Absolutely Fabulous (Rollo Our Tribe remix) Pet Shop Boys
65 Dead Man’s Hill (Live) Indigo Girls
64 My Immortal (Band Version) Evanescence
63 Dirty Day U2
62 The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite R.E.M.
61 When the Angels Fall Sting
60 Perfect World Liz Phair
59 On Bended Knee Boyz II Men
58 Cleanin’ Out My Closet Eminem
57 Help Me Mary Liz Phair
56 Otherside Red Hot Chili Peppers
55 A Change Is Gonna Come Sam Cooke
54 Love Story (Pop Remix) Taylor Swift
53 Headache Liz Phair
52 Stairway to Heaven Led Zeppelin
51 Everybody Hurts R.E.M.
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